Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mammoth Cave

Over the Labor Day weekend, we went to Kentucky to visit our niece but before we got to our destination, we decided that we wanted to go to Mammoth Cave and went on the Frozen Niagara tour. It was very neat and the kids enjoyed it.

Historic entrance

Pictures from the year

It's been a long time

I just realized that it has been over a year since we have last posted to this blog. Life has been quite  busy having two boys. Since the last post, Xander was transferred from Towsley Children's House to Fuller Hill Child Care center. It was a tough decision that we made. In the end, it turned out really well. Xander is now swimming and is entering his second year at the Goldfish Swim school. Over the summer, Xander went to summer day camp for the first time. He really enjoyed and wished he could go longer. This September, he started Kindergarten and has immensely enjoys it. First day of school and he had no problem getting on the bus. In fact, he just went on the bus and did not say good byes. My little boy is growing up so quickly!

He also has an introductory course in Aikido which, at first, had reservation but decided to try it and enjoyed it. It helps that there are boys his age and the instructor is patient. After all he is only 5.

Tian is doing well and is also growing up so quickly! He's been trying to keep up with his brother in many ways from going the crib to directly to a bed though, he slept on the futon for a few months before we got him a twin size mattress and sharing a room with his brother. He's talking up storm and he's a character. Most of the time, he gets himself into trouble but gets out of it with his charming personality. There are times we cannot keep a straight face in disciplining him. He is now swimming at the same school as Xander and loving it.

He has moved from the young toddlers room to the older toddlers room when school started and will be in this classroom for approximately 1 year before he goes to the Preschool room. So his goal in this room is to be potty trained and learn his colors.

So this is a brief narration of the year and a half in a nutshell. I will be posting pictures of the year and hopefully maintain this blog a little bit better. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pics from the last few months.